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汉和防务公布中国建造的第一艘航母详细技术细节! | 2010-03-04 20:18:34  CHN强国网 | 0条评论 | 查看/发表评论


  加拿大汉和防务评论将在未来30日之内﹐公布中国建造的第一艘航空母舰使用的若干子系统的详细技术细节﹗最新一期的《汉和情势通报》以"中华人民共和国正式激活航母工程"的内容详细列举了中国第一艘航母的若干子系统建设﹑采购情况﹐这篇发自北京﹑广州﹑ 上海﹑基辅﹑圣彼得堡的综合报告﹐集中了迄今为止最大的采访力量﹐以"尽管是否需要航母的问题在中国军队内部依然存在争论﹐但是中华人民共和国正式激活了航母工程"为结论。"中国航母的正式建造﹐意味着"核潜派" 与"航母派"谁优先的争论已经结束。中华人民共和国的海上力量进入了核潜与航母并举的时代﹗汉和报告还首次透露﹐最新一代的096型弹道导弹核潜水舰(SSBN)的设计工作已经基本完成﹐它具备了比目前正在海试服役的094型SSBN更为强大的核打击能力。报告在未来14日内逐一通报以加拿大为首的北约19国﹑俄罗斯﹑日本国防部﹑防卫省。

  汉和报告的明确结论是正在大连改装之中的Vayarg号航空母舰即将作为航母试验舰在2009年投入运用﹐为此相关的试验﹑训练设备已经采办完成。汉和防务评论总编辑平可夫再次表示Vayarg不可能作为正式的航母编入中国海军战斗序列﹐其内部的损管系统已经遭到彻底破坏﹐船体金属结构遭到严重腐蚀 ﹐西方 ﹑东欧的情报消息来源在土耳其详细一一检查过这艘航母遭受破坏的程度。在数国巨大的政治﹑外交压力之下﹐乌克兰对Vayarg船体致命部位进行了连续爆破 ﹐修复这些受损部位所需成本远远大过直接建造新船。平可夫表示Vayarg由至少3道以上的纵向隔壁和多道横舱壁﹐实施全封闭隔离﹐依照目前 Vayarg的脆弱结构﹐只需要一﹑二枚反舰导弹就可以对其实施致命打击﹐并且诱发大面积火灾。

  5、6)The low voltage switchboards and emergency switchboards

  74)Varyag in Dalian shipyard in 1996

  70)Varyage in Dalian earlier time

   There are multiple indications that the PLAN’s aircraft carrier program has entered the stage of designating specific enterprises to manufacture aircraft carrier subsystems. This also means that the design of the PLA Navy’s aircraft carrier has been principally finalized. At the latest ship-borne equipment exhiexhibition held in Guangzhou, several manufacturing enterprises indicated that they had been designated to produce subsystems of the PLAN’s aircraft carrier.

  A source from the Chinese military industry says that Zhenjiang Marine Electrical

  Appliance Co. Ltd. ZMEA has been designated to produce the low voltage switchboards and emergency switchboards used for aircraft carrier. The low voltage switchboard is composed of the con-safe bristolia platform MSB and the MCC. The low voltage switchboards and the control console systems fitted on most of the PLAN’s surface combatants are all manufactured by this factory. KDR has learned that the low voltage switchboards the company plans to manufacture for aircraft carrier will have a modularized and highly integrated design. These switchboards will form an automatic power station management system capable of protecting, monitoring and giving instructions to the generating system and the ship-borne electrical network. The management system can also automatically switch and cut off power, give alarms and examine the technical problems of the generating sets.

  ZMEA (photo 5733) is also one of the key suppliers in designing and producing ship-borne power units systems. Very probably, the power units systems of the Chinese aircraft carrier will be supplied by this company. The design work of the naval power units systems is at the No.704 Research Institute. The AC & DC uninterrupted power systems jointly produced by ZMEA and No.704 Institute have been widely applied on the latest built PLAN surface combatants.

  The production of a variety of ship-borne control consoles is also at ZMEA. In recent years, the photos of all kinds of surface combatants released by the PLA Navy show that the wheelhouse central consoles, the intergraded bridge system consoles and the engine room control consoles fitted on these ships have very westernized designs. KDR has learned that this is largely because of the technological support from the Dutch Imtech Company. A subsidiary of Imtech, Imtech Marine & Offshore has been helping ZMEA for years in designing and producing power switchboards and different types of control consoles. The cooperation between Imtech and ZMERA has been undertaken in the name of civil applications. In addition, the Shanghai Marine Instrument Co. Ltd. under CSSC is another key designer and producer of wheelhouse control consoles for surface combatants.

  China is also accelerating the R&D of automating welding and cutting technologies. KDR reported earlier that in order to build new generation nuclear submarine SSBN/SSN, China had imported automatic welders from Russia. The new generation 052C and 052B DDGs’ welding technologies are inferior to that of the Japanese and S. Korean ships, an evidence that the overall technological standard of the Chinese shipbuilding industry in welding and cutting is still far behind Japan and S.Korea. Nonetheless, most of the welding and cutting operations on the PLAN battleships are using semi-automatic equipments. A source from the Chinese shipbuilding industry says that Shanghai Jiaotong University’s Welding Technology Research Institute andJiangnan Shipyard are jointly developing robots for cutting operations. Shanghai Shipbuilding Technology Research Institute has also successfully developed a three-dimensional automatic butt-welding system, claiming that the new system can improve operation efficiency by several times.

  With the construction of Chinese aircraft carrier being put on the agenda, major shipyards of the country are now starting to compete for the production of the aircraft carrier itself and the supporting surface ships of the aircraft carrier battle group. Because of this, these shipyards have invested heavily in expanding the production facility for the building of military vessels and in upgrading production equipments as well. The construction project of Nanshan Long Xue Dao Shipbuilding Base under Guangzhou Huangpu Shipyard has already started. A source says that the total investment in new facilities for building military vessels alone is RMB 1.4-1.9 billion yuan, including a 150,000-ton class military dock and a 1,050m long system installation dock. Meanwhile, Huangpu Shipyard also plans to build one indoor special maintenance berth. KDR believes that no matter where the PLAN aircraft carrier will be built, the South Sea Fleet (Nanhai Fleet) has the greatest chance to receive the first Chinese aircraft carrier, which means that all minor services, major maintenance or even overhaul operations will be undertaken at the shipyards to the south of Guangzhou. In the articles published by the PLA Navy in recent years on the “Questions of aircraft carrier”, the authors gave detailed analysis of the causes of “short-lived Soviet Union aircraft carriers”, drawing to the conclusion that untimely minor and major maintenance and long distance between the aircraft carrier home base and shipyard had led minor problems to fatal consequences. Consequently, the construction of a 150,000-ton class military dock at the shipbuilding base deserves further attention.

  KDR’s analysts believe that Shanghai’s Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Group Ltd. will be a strongest candidate to build the first Chinese aircraft carrier. This shipyard has two 480x160x12.3m shipbuilding docks, the largest in the Chinese shipbuilding industry. The Vayage Aircraft Carrier that the PLA Navy purchased from Ukraine has a measurement of 280x37x10.5m. The FPSO ship that this shipyard built in 2006 is 300,000 tons. In addition, the other strong candidate shipyard for aircraft carrier building is Shanghai Changxingdao Shipbuilding Base, where a total of 4 large docks will be built and the largest one will be 580m long and 120m wide.

  During the 2007 “NPC and CPPCC” sessions, the spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry acknowledged unexpectedly that China was conducting R&D in aircraft carrier, and a PLA Navy Vice Admiral told a pro-China medium based in Hong Kong that China may build (the original wording of the report was “will complete building”, which is logically senseless) aircraft in 2010. Judging from the latest indications, China has started to make public opinion preparation for the building of aircraft carrier at official levels, which is obviously aimed at guarding against the resurgence of higher-decibel “China threat” clamors. A military intelligence source from Taiwan also claimed that China had formally launched its aircraft carrier construction program.

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