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华盛顿时报 美军出台报告:将中国列为头号潜在威胁 | 2009-01-05 11:42:54  华盛顿时报 | 0条评论 | 查看/发表评论







Inside the Ring
Bill Gertz INSIDE THE RING (Contact)
Thursday, January 1, 2009

China's pearls

A recently published U.S. military report identifies China as the most significant potential threat for the U.S. military in the future and discloses new details of what it describes as Beijing's efforts to build political influence and military power along the strategic oil-shipping route from the Middle East to China -- a so-called "string of pearls" strategy.

The report, "Joint Operating Environment 2008," was produced by the Norfolk-based U.S. Joint Forces Command. It lists China as the main emerging nation-state threat that U.S. forces could confront in a future conflict, along with potential threats from Russia, the Middle East and other places in Asia. It was made public Nov. 25.

Of China, the report states that its current emergence from isolation is "the most significant single event on the international horizon since the collapse of the Cold War." China's buildup of large numbers of nuclear submarines and an increasingly global navy reflects "worries that the U.S. Navy possesses the ability to shut down China's energy imports of oil -- 80 percent of which go through the straits of Malacca," the report said. It quotes a Chinese naval strategist as saying: "the straits of Malacca are akin to breathing itself -- to life itself." According to the report, 15 million barrels of oil transit each day through the Strait of Malacca, and 17 million barrels pass daily through the Strait of Hormuz. The report includes a graphic showing China's political influence and military presence near oil-shipping lanes. Among them are the development of naval bases, overland supply routes, commercial port facilities, a planned canal through Thailand and two military bases in the South China Sea.

New details contained in the report about Chinese efforts toward greater influence and military bases in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia updates the "string of pearls" strategy that was first reported by The Washington Times in 2005 based on a Pentagon report.

The report lists Pakistan's Gwadar port, near the mouth of the Persian Gulf, as a naval base and surveillance facility for China, and also lists the commercial-shipping container port at Hambantota, Sri Lanka, and the Woody Island airfield as part of the Chinese shipping-lane-protection strategy. The report stated that China's military was given "considerable autonomy" for its buildup by ruling Communist Party political leaders. It said that China "is not yet strong enough militarily, and needs to become stronger over the long term." Chinese leaders' internal debate, however, is not settled on the question of whether military forces should be offensive or defensive, or should emphasize continental or maritime forces, or a mix of the two, the report said.

China's government insists its forces are defensive in nature, but the development of satellite weapons and cyberwarfare capabilities have raised concerns among Pentagon planners.

"The Sino-American relationship represents one of the great strategic question marks of the next twenty-five years," the report said. "Regardless of the outcome - cooperative or coercive, or both - China will become increasingly important in the considerations and strategic perceptions of joint force commanders," the report said.

Chinese Embassy spokesman Wang Baodong called the idea of China having a "string of pearls" strategy a "fantasy." "It's true that China is conducting cooperation with some Asian countries in various fields including ports developing, but it's justifiable business for China and the joint ventures are for commercial purposes only," Mr. Wang said. "People should see China's activities with a sensible and more balanced approach. As facts have proven, China's activities are for mutual benefit and peaceful purposes, constituting no threat to anyone else."

The report said the Chinese are studying the strategic and military thinking of the United States and in 2000 had more Chinese military students in U.S. graduate schools than the U.S. military, a practice that has helped China learn U.S. military war-fighting and strategy.

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